Table type: M7,8-070540-D2

Mechanical data
Capacity 7000kg
Platform Ø8950 mm
Lift stroke 5400 mm
Lifting time 83 sec
Closed height 1100 mm
Weight 16 000kg

This heavy table is used in a showroom for exhibit new trucks. The lift will lift up the truck to second level. At this level the show begins with smoke and lightning, showing the latest design of a famous truck producer.

Project: Saudi

This Marco Lift is a double M3-2H scissor package with a middle frame. It has a lifting stroke of 4700 mm and the platform measures 2000 x 1500 mm. The lift capacity is 1200 kg.

Project: Quatar

This robust lift table will be used in an aluminium smelting plant. The lift table will be located under the vessel which is filled with buoyant aluminium. A magnetic stirrer will be shimmed between the platform and the vessel to keep the aluminium mixed. To make the platform flexible to access for maintenance/service it’s equipped […]