A lot goes into the rails and gates on our lift tables. Not just our smart design, or carefully selected materials. There is also our highly skilled welding, which brings it all together to keep people and goods safer. That is why we are investing in new equipment to raise welding quality, shorten production time, and improve the work environment.

Vhebi Ahmedi has been welding our rails and gates for many years. He knows exactly what it takes to produce the perfect weld. “I also know how important the weld is to a lift table’s safety and reliability,” he says. “That is why I am so pleased to see this improvement in new welding jigs.”

Vhebi Ahmedi (front) and Daniel Fehrman (back) with new fixture

The new rail jig holds the components in the correct position, enabling precision welding with minimal movements of both welder and components. “It reduces welding time by a third, which boosts production,” says Vebbie. “It is easier on the welder, too. With no more bending, stretching, or lifting I can concentrate totally on my weld quality and consistency. I am so proud of what I can achieve with it.”

The new rail jig is the brainchild of our Design Engineer Daniel Fehrman. “It has been a very rewarding project,” he says, pointing to the improvements in quality, efficiency, and working conditions as highlights. “It will really make a difference for our customers and our own work force.”

Our improvement program is continuing, with a corresponding gate jig in production. This will be yet another of our contributions to creating a better future for our customers.

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